Saturday, August 31, 2019

Foods/Typical Meal Essay

Talking about Belgian food, Earl Steinbicker (2006) says: Regular meals tend to be enormous and lengthy, as compensation for the small continental breakfast. A great deal of fat is often used in traditiononal Belgian cooking, so you will probably want to limit yourself to one full meal a day. some typically Belgian meat dishes are:Carbonnades flamandes(beef cooked in beer),Biftek et frites(beefsteak with French fries) and jambon dArdennes(smoked ham). the favorite seafood seems to be moules(mussels)served in very large quantity. Shrimps is often prepared as tomatoes aux crevettes (stuffed in tomatoes). Vegetable dishes: Chicoree-witloof (Belgian endive)-Asperges a’la flamande (white asparagus with egg sauce). the most common snack, sold every where is frites (French fries eaten with mayonnaise), and try gaufres (Belgian waffles). Belgium is the land of beer no one can make better brew. Like: pils, kriek. Another fowl treat is Oie aIinstar de vise'(goose boiled and then fried). Daily Schedule There is no illiteracy in Belgium. Schooling is free and compulsory from ages 6 to 14. The nation’s primary and secondary school systems are divided between private denominational (usually Roman Catholic) schools and nonsectarian government schools. The subsidized private schools educate more than one half of the pupils. Most schools work a half-day on Wednesday, though the afternoon is sometimes given over to sporting or cultural activities. These can also happen on a Saturday morning (Encyclopedia Britannica Online, 2007). Your Reaction Place you’d like to see The Castle of Veves A fascinating castle in the village of Celles . It has been built on 1410 and still lived in by the same family and is fully furnished. The castle is overlooking the picturesque village of Celles, which is considered one of the â€Å"Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia†; it is composed of five magnificent towers. Inside, there’s a remarkable half-timbered gallery from the 16th century. From far a way you may think that it’s a fairy tail castle and a charming prince will come out of it any time. (See Figure 4). Figure 4. Event you would like to attend Choco-Late, the Bruges Chocolate Festival This festival takes place from 6 April until 10 April, in the historic city centre of Bruges. 72 exhibitors presented their products of chocolate to a large number of visitors. For the chocolate lover, it will be a good opportunity to taste many kinds of it with different new ways of preparing it. Once again visitors to the festival will have the privilege of tasting, experiencing and appreciating chocolate in all its forms. Well it would be a great chance to be missed. Time of year/Place to avoid Any time of year is good time to visit Belgium, but you may avoid July and August are since many take vacation during that period and Most Catholic holidays are celebrated in Belgium so check dates before attempting to schedule. Also avoid visiting Ghent on Monday when many of its important sights are closed. References Belgium. (2007). In Britannica Student Encyclopedia . Retrieved April 23, 2007, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/ebi/article-228985 The Belgian school system. (2006, Oct). Expatica. Steinbicker, E. (2006). Daytrips Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg: 40 One Day Adventures by Rail, Bus or Car. Winter park, Florida: Hastings house/Daytrips publisher. The Belgian Tourist Office (BTO) in the US. Retrieved April 23, 2007, from http://www. visitbelgium. com/.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Last community group modifed

A Community Group is a group of people who come together to pursue a common cause or interest for the good of their communityIn Kuwait, a few community groups which were formed in the past were mainly strongly linked to the government and their decisions were influenced by the government’s whims. Among the community groups prominent in Kuwait, was Bait Al-Zakah Al-Kuwaiti, which helped the underprivileged people and economically disadvantaged countries, the Kuwaiti Disable Club established in 1971, and the Environmental Public Authority which was a joint venture by government associations and community groups. These groups were the first agencies in Kuwait that was interested in environmental betterment of the society.In 1992, when there was an oil well fire in Kuwait caused by the Iraqi soldiers, volunteers lent their helping hands to the firemen to stop quell the fire. Soon afterwards, the Volunteers Work Centre (VWC) was established. However due to a number of reasons like family   responsibility, priorities after the war, hot environment, lack of knowledge about the importance of voluntary work, educational backwardness of the masses etc, people didn’t come forward in large numbers to offer voluntary services. This is compounded by the fact that the government offered a high standard of living to the people.In recent times, a number of community groups were formed in Kuwait, which was independent and free of government influence. These groups which played an important role in the social reforms of Kuwait are divided into two sections:Section 1: This group were entitled the Volunteers Work Centre, consisting of   (14 groups), such as The Disable Centre. Each group in this section has their own voluntary program and they interacted with other groups to discuss and update their work strategies. Section 2: This section consists of groups who are working independently of the previous section, such as The Diving Centre.This essay will discuss br iefly the group community development in Kuwait with several success stories.Group Community DevelopmentDue to the timely and successful voluntary services provided by the Volunteer Centre, especially in controlling the burning oil fields and because of the support that they have received from the government, different community groups have been established under aegis of the Volunteer Centre. The Voluntary Centre has acted as a unifying factor in brining different community groups under one umbrella.The community groups together with the Volunteer Centre sensitized the masses about the need of voluntary services, and about their works as well through the help of media. In order to sensitize the masses, they mostly choose specific days in the shopping malls, to do their surveys, to educate the people, and to create awareness about the importance of voluntary services. Shopping malls are chosen for publicity and awareness building purpose because most people frequent such malls. The groups also initiated programs in school and University premises to encourage young people to come forward and join voluntary services, since sensitizing the younger generation was easier than older people. The internet too had become an attractive tool for sensitization of masses and to introduce the community groups to the society.Due to sensitization efforts, volunteers started to enrol directly to specific community groups; however, most of the volunteers went directly to the Volunteer Centre and they were assigned to various community groups according to their area of interests. Some of the volunteers had no specific backgrounds in community service or voluntary work, while others had meagre experience and could not decide where they would fit best. For such groups, the Volunteer Centre had specific programs to train them in specific area and then divide them into groups that fit their interests. Besides this, the Volunteer Centre provides volunteers to specific group community when they request for volunteers, or train new members on request.Sometimes when a group is faced with problems which can not be resolved within the group, it seeks the help from other groups through the Volunteer Centre for specialized intervention. The Volunteer Centre, through networking with different community   groups finds specialist from other groups suitable for resolving the issue. For instance, if the Disabled People Centre, which is one of the Volunteer Centre 14 groups, encountered a problem with their website, they can request the Volunteer Centre to provide them specialised manpower from community group with IT expertise to resolve their crisis.   Another example of significant cooperation between the Volunteer Centre groups can be seen from the fact that the Horses Group, after being requested by the Disabled People Centre, has trained horses especially for the disabled people.One of the successful group community under The Volunteer Centre of section one, is Th e Disabled People Centre. This centre was formed in 1999; The organizational structure of the Centre consists of a manager, assistant manager, secretaries and specialists etc. Voluntary work is carried out in a systematic and formal manner. Any request or help sought from the Centre has to be formally registered, along with a written application, which is either approved or disapproved with the consent of members or secretaries. The centre has dress code for volunteers and uniforms are provided by the centre.The Disabled People Centre is divided into several sub-centres. While one sub-centre directly deals with the patients, another organizes the media campaign and look after publicity affairs. Yet another sub-centre solicits and coordinates donation by seeking financial help either from individual donors or aid agencies or as well as request equipments from prospective donors for the disabled people. One sub-section coordinates with other groups (local or overseas), organize compet itions, ceremonies as well as other public relations campaigns.Another successful independent community group of section 2 is The Kuwait divers’ centre which started with two leaders in 1995. The group taught diving to members of other groups and made them understand the importance of diving for the protection of marine environment. The group organised overseas trips to gain first hand experience, so that they could compare the difference between the marine environments of Kuwait with other places. The group runs as a team which consists of two leaders, their assistants, eight core members and 94 volunteers. It seeks to popularise the diving sport and to conserve the environment, particularly the marine environment. The community group is divided into two parts:The training team teaches interested people how to dive. In the process, they expect some of these people to join their team, thus ensuring a sustainable future for the community group. The environmental conservation t eam, which educates the trainers about the need to save and protect our environment, also publishes and distributes educational brochures, and take resort to   other forms of media channels such as TV and radio to educate the broader community.Both the team coordinate with each other under the direct guidance of group leaders and their assistants. The age and the qualifications of the members play an important role in determining the member’s position in the team’s hierarchy. It is part of the Kuwaiti tradition and culture to respect a person positioned above in the hierarchy.The diver centre has accomplished some great task in the field of marine conservation which earned them more attention and recognition. This has helped in their expansion and growth. Till date, they have trained around 780 trainers, discovered wrecked ships in the Persian Gulf, trained members of the Ministry of Interior, published the â€Å"Kuwait Marine Environment Encyclopaedia†, disco vered and mapped good diving spots in Kuwait, and was the first group train the disabled people   in the Middle East.The cooperation between the Kuwait Disabled People Club (different from Disabled People Centre) and the Divers Group has earned great respect and accolade from the society in general, and other community groups in particular. Since the group has demonstrated success with handicapped people, other groups from overseas have expressed their interest in the Kuwaiti diver group’s diving program for the disabled.The successful endeavour by the voluntary groups of Kuwait has earned them great respect (both locally and internationally) and demand for their services has grown manyfold since their inception. Due to the small size of Kuwait, the group’s activities were widely dispersed. For the successful functioning of the community groups, the cooperation of the society is crucial. Cash or cheque donations as well as donations in terms of goods and services by generous Kuwaiti citizens helped these community groups cope with emergency situations with commendable ease.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Interracial Marriage Essay

Interracial marriage is used to describe marriages that take place between people who are from different linguistic, religious, or nations or ethnic groups. There are substantial increases in the number of individuals engaging in interracial. Relationships between people from different ethnic and cultural groups are becoming increasingly common because of globalization and improvement of technology. Internet technology has brought together the world in that people can enter into a relationship with anyone from any countries. In some countries, it is against the law to marry someone of a different race. These countries include Germany during the Nazi period, South Africa under apartheid, and some states in the United States before a 1969 ruling. In some Arab countries, it is forbidden for an Arab to marry outside their race because of the law and traditional customs. If an Arab person marries someone out of their race, their civil rights are taken away from them. In 2008, Pakistani senators allowed women to be buried alive if they married someone outside their race. People Most Attracted to Intercultural Relationships/ Marriages To begin the series on intercultural marriage, beginning with a discussion about who exactly tends to be most attracted to intercultural relationships/marriages in the first place seems like a good place to start. It’s certainly not for everyone, as mixed marriages are full of unique challenges that married people from the same culture may never face. In Romano’s book â€Å"Intercultural Marriage,† she lists 5 common types of people who tend to be involved in intercultural relationships. The first type is the Romantic type: those who see people from other cultures as exotic, fascinating, and thrilling. These people may find people from their own culture boring and predictable, and thrive in the mystique of people from far away and foreign lands. The second type is the Compensator. These people often feel like something is missing from their lives and believe they have found it in another person or culture, as they believe elements from that person/culture fulfills what is missing from their own. Romano notes that this type is found even in couples who marry from their own cultures, who are simply looking for someone to fulfill what they lacked growing up. Rebels are slightly different from the compensators in that they dislike much about their own culture and are intent on finding someone from somewhere else. Sometimes they have a specific target culture in mind; other times they simply take whatever fate brings them. Internationals, the next type of people drawn to intercultural marriage, are those who lived outside their native countries for most of their lives, and are typically children of missionaries, diplomats, military personnel, and so on. These people often do not feel as though they completely belong to one particular culture, as they tend to have been influenced by several cultures and therefore have a wide appreciation and love for differences. The final category is comprised of others. These people may not fit into their society and often are ostracized from it. Finding love in a different culture is a way to find a place to fit in and be accepted. Some of them are not considered to be attractive in their native culture, and have better luck in another culture. Others are part of a minority and find acceptance in another culture. Still others live in poverty and marry as a way to improve their quality of life. Barriers Oftentimes, couples in intercultural marriages face barriers that most married couples of the same culture are not exposed to. Intercultural marriages are often influenced by external factors that can create dissonance and disagreement in relationships. Different cultures endure vastly diverse moral, ethical and value foundations that influence their perceptions of individual, family and societal lifestyle. When these foundations are operating alongside the foundation of different cultural roots, as in intercultural marriages, problems and disagreement oftentimes occur. 1. Family and Society The most common external factors influencing intercultural relationships and marriages are the acceptance of the family and the society in which the couple lives. Sometimes, the families of the partners display rejection, resistance, hostility and lack of acceptance for their kin’s partner. Specific issues regarding the family; including generational gaps in ideology, and how the wedding will be held; which ties into how tradition will or will not be practiced. Many intercultural couples report conflict arising over issues of how to carry out child raising and religious worship as well. 2. Language In a mixed marriage where the partners do not share the same mother tongue, the language in which they decide to communicate at home can be symbolic of the extent to which each partner is prepared to forego his or her cultural background and incorporate new elements. There may also be elements of control and dependence in the choice of language when one partner refuses to learn the other’s language. There is a case-study of a so-called bought bride from Asia. The German husband had no knowledge of her language, while she could speak some English, but no German. Communication in such a relationship proved to be extremely difficult, and all decisions and dealings with the outside world where necessarily undertaken by the German husband. The wife could not find any but the most menial jobs where the necessity of understanding was limited, which further increased her economic dependence on him. 3. Communication Style Intercultural couples may possess differing communication styles. Individuals from a high context culture are not verbally explicit in their communication behaviors. These cultures typically consist of eastern world countries where collectivism and relational harmony underlie communication behavior. By contrast, individuals from a low context culture use direct and obvious communication styles to convey information. In situations where marriage occurs between two people from differing communication contextual backgrounds, conflict may arise from relational challenges posed by the underlying assumptions of high/low context cultures. Challenges posed by differing communication styles are common among intercultural marriage couples. The longer the two individuals have existed in the current culture the less likely this is to pose an issue. If one or more partners within the marriage is relatively new to the dominant culture, the likelihood for conflict to unfold o n these bases increases. Solution/ Suggestions 1. Learn How to Appreciate One of the ways to deal with interracial dating issues is acceptance of partner the way he or she is. Most issues arise when one or both partners want to have their way in everything that they do. It is therefore important to ensure that they appreciate their wife or husband with all his or her cultural practices. Since they come different regions, differences in the way of life are bound to happen. They must desist from criticizing each other based on cultural grounds or race. As a matter of fact they must never stereotype or generalize happenings as this can be the cause of interracial conflicts. If they are willing to love, understand and respect each other’s differences, you’re on the right track. 2. Learn More about the Culture Another thing they need to do in order to solve issues with interracial relationships is to study each other well before engaging. Discuss the symbolism or significance of each other’s important cultural traditions. Understanding the significance of these traditions will help to understand them. This will help them to have a more natural, familiar feeling toward the other’s traditions, accept and embrace the culture of the other. After some time, they will even feel the desire to incorporate culture into their own family traditions. Besides, they need to know what values their partner stands for and to establish whether they can accommodate them. When they understand their partner in advance, it becomes easier for them to solve any interracial dating concerns. One advantage of being married to someone from another country is to get travel from time to time. When they can travel, make sure to visit the spouse’s family and learn abou t their culture firsthand. Furthermore this prepares them for the future thus allowing them to solve situations better. 3. Maintain Contact with Family It is essential that â€Å"foreign† spouse keeps in contact with his or her family, especially as they are probably a long way from each other. With time, he or she will feel of longing for their family, homesickness, and even possible loneliness and depression. It is necessary that he or she can keep contact to his or her family. Today, the Internet and sites like Facebook and Twitter make this type of contact much easier, and your spouse happier. Help your spouse to develop friendships with people from his or her country or families that speak their language somehow so that they will know more people and may feel at home

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Critical Standard of Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address and Essay

Critical Standard of Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address and - Essay Example With this argument, he was able to make a case for the necessity of having both North and South work to clean up the damage left behind by war. Although the speech is widely recognized as a rhetorical device, it is not always clearly expressed what exactly comprises a rhetorical device. In other words, while experts claim the speech is rhetorical, they don’t define why it is rhetorical – what elements are required in order to classify a speech as rhetorical. Understanding the rhetorical structure of Lincoln’s speech requires first understanding rhetoric. In attempting to understand just what elements should be looked for or understood as a means of identifying rhetoric, it is helpful to examine the field of rhetorical study. One theorist, Lloyd Bitzer, provides a relatively straight-forward answer regarding how to identify rhetoric by suggesting there are three essential components – exigence, audience and a set of constraints. The first component of Bitzer’s theory regarding rhetoric is the concept of exigence. The American Heritage Dictionary defines this term as â€Å"the condition of being in need of immediate assistance; a condition in which something necessary or desirable is required or wanted; a decisive point; something asked for or needed† (â€Å"Exigence†, 2003). In his theory, Bitzer explains that exigence refers to any situation in which there is â€Å"an imperfection marked by urgency; it is a defect, an obstacle, something waiting to be done, a thing which is other than it should be† (Bitzer, 1968: 7). In other words, something is supposed to happen and it doesn’t, creating an urgent need for communication to resolve the issue. On the other hand, this could also refer to a situation in which something has happened that shouldn’t have happened, again creating the necessity for effective

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Emergency Operations Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Emergency Operations Plan - Essay Example Emergency Management Introduction and Overview of the Environment Pleasantville is an Atlantic city which is located in New Jersey, USA. The total population of this American city is approximately 21 thousands in the total area of 7.298 square miles. Pleasantville is considered to be more prone towards encountering natural disasters because of its geographical location which lies in the Atlantic county (Christen, Callsen, Miller, & Lord, 2011). The total number of natural disasters in Pleasantville that has been counted is significantly higher than the total average of United States. Pleasantville is not only exposed to earthquakes but this city contains the potentiality to encounter numerous other natural disasters including storms, tornados and floods. In this context, emergency management plays a significantly crucial role to cope up with the challenges which any emergency situation can arise in Pleasantville (Christen, Callsen, Miller, & Lord, 2011). Emergency Management Elements In order to design an emergency operational plan, the analysis of elements of emergency management is sufficient. There are five elements which are considered in emergency management. ... These five plans will be discussed in the following headings. Mitigation Plan Mitigation plan is a course of action which state governments and local governments acquire in the identification of risk and vulnerabilities which are related with a natural disaster. It is used to develop enduring strategies in order to protect people and their properties from the hazard of natural disaster. Mitigation plan includes identification and profiling of natural disasters in accordance with the area along with the vulnerabilities of people, structures and crucial facilities (Fagel & Fagel, 2012). In Pleasantville, schools, hospitals and recreational facilities are vulnerable from the potential catastrophe of earthquakes (Christen, Callsen, Miller, & Lord, 2011). Preparedness Plan Preparedness plan is acquired with the intention of coping up with the emergency situation through practical anticipation of the hazard. It involves strategies which are made by local and state governments along with ot her community services like rescue service provides, police and emergency medical service providers to reduce the risk from the natural disasters like earthquakes. Preparedness plan is acquired to practically imply to reduce the dangers of natural disasters through anticipation and training of individuals along with the capacity for authorities to deliver appropriate decisions in the emergency situations (Oliveira, 2007). Response Plan In the state of emergency, the initial steps are considered to be most crucial which can potentially safe numerous lives and property damages. Emergency response plan contains the acquisition of preparedness plan and generates a system for the state and local governments along with

Monday, August 26, 2019

Social Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social Security - Research Paper Example Social security also provides income for those people who have become disabled and can no longer work and for those spouses and children whose wage earner has passed away. Thesis Statement Social Security is facing a long-term financial problem but it is not a crisis as some are trying to lead everyone to believe. Background Social Security as an Agency The United States was among those lagging behind major developed nations to set up a social security organization. In 1911, Wisconsin was the first state that approved the first state workers' reimbursement law to be held legitimate. It was the time when most Americans assumed the government should have no consideration to bother for the elderly, disabled, or disadvantaged. But such approaches altered during the critical period of Great Depression of the 1930's. Many Americans at this specific point of time sensed economic calamity or failure could outcome from happenings over which workers or government had no control. In 1935, Congr ess passed the Social Security Act. This law became the basis of the U.S. Social Security system. It provided cash benefits only to retired workers in commerce and industry. In 1939, Congress amended the act to benefit wives and dependent children of deceased workers. In 1950, the act commenced to cover numerous farm and domestic working classes, self-employed workers, technical and vocational workers, nonprofessional and many government and local bodies’ employees. Coverage became almost worldwide in 1956, when legal professionals and other professional workers of different fields came under the scheme. Congress further added disability insurance for the special employees to the system in 1956 and thus Medicare was set up in 1965. In the late 1970's, prices increased much faster than wages. This trend caused benefits to rise more rapidly than payroll tax revenues and resulted in a major drain on the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund. The law accelerated parts of a p reviously scheduled tax increase and expanded the categories of workers covered under Social Security. It required all federal employees hired after 1983 to join the system. The law also required the participation of about a million employees of nonprofit organizations. The legislation made up to 50 percent of the benefits of some higher-income retired people subject to federal income taxes and gave the resulting revenues to the Social Security trust funds. In addition, the law required a gradual rise in the normal retirement age. From the mid-1960 through the mid-1980, the tax-paying labor force was enlarged by the entry of the baby boom generation that is, the group of people born during a period of high birth rates from 1946 to 1964. Also, low birth rates in the 1920's and 1930's resulted in a relatively small population of retirees in the 1980's and 1990's. Because of these developments and because of the 1983 legislation and strong economic growth Social Security costs as a per centage of earnings subject to the FICA tax declined significantly from 1986 to 1989. This percentage began to rise again in the early 1990's. (Justice, 2005) George Bush Era and social Security George Bush has been working on a proposal to privatize the social

Information on the Indian American community in new york Essay

Information on the Indian American community in new york - Essay Example They had larger households. 4 percent of the Indian population was senior citizens, numbering 7,787. â€Å"Most Indian immigrants in New York City came to the United States in the last 20 years.† â€Å"Indians in the city obtained citizenship faster than foreign-born New Yorkers as a whole.† â€Å"The vast majority of Indian children in the city (86 percent, or 35,688) were enrolled in the New York City public school system, exceeding 79 percent of all New York City children.† Other groups living near with whom the Indian American population has interaction are, Chinese Americans, Koreans, Irish Americans, Italian Americans, African and Americans and Native Americans. Since New York City is the commercial hub, healthy interactions exist amongst the different ethnicities. Your will find doctors, bankers, engineers amongst Indian Americans. The percentage of Indian Americans that engage in criminal activities is nil. They are also in business, and hotel industry and export and import trade. Some of the Indian Americans occupy top posts in the Democratic Government of America. Globalization has provided new impetus for active interaction between different

Sunday, August 25, 2019

J curve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

J curve - Essay Example When the short duration is considered, the J-curve theory comes into play (Schaefer, 1995). In the short-term, the export and import demand becomes rigid. Thus, the current account worsens before it improves. Nevertheless, after some time, the demand becomes less and less rigid. Hence, the price can be manipulated. The effect of this is an enhancement in the current account The current account is the variation in the net foreign position of a country. The current account can also be termed as the summation of the returns of all foreign financial assets of a country and trade balance (Pitchford, 2002). A country’s foreign assets comprises of the capital gains, the interest payments, and the dividends. By using its money, a country is able to buy from foreign countries whenever it deems appropriate. Addition of the liabilities and the foreign assets defines the financial position of a country. Is it in debt or is it in surplus. A current account keeps record of receipts received from and the payments that have been made to the foreign countries it buys from (Pitchford, 2002). A capital account is a major constituent of the balance of payments of a country. It avails the net capital income and expenditure of a country. The capital account records the financial transactions of a country by way of titles to assets. It lists the foreign transactions to those of the market (Pitchford, 2002). A capital account is made up of purchase and disposal of non-produced, assets that are non-financial, and capital transfers (OECD, 2001). The financial account is the ultimate account in the full order of accounts that lists the financial transactions between the units of the institutions within a country (IMF, 1996). The financial account list is composed of the transactions that include liabilities and financial assets occurring between foreigners and the country’s institutional units. Its primary constituents include

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Media And South Asian Terrorism Portrayal Research Paper

Media And South Asian Terrorism Portrayal - Research Paper Example This essay declares that many citizens are incapable to resist news reporting about terrorist attacks. As horrifying as they are to watch on TV as well as read about in correspondents and magazines, several still find it almost difficult to ignore. It is hard to recognize why the information is so difficult to ignore. Some allege that individuals are expecting for information since they are afraid of potential attacks and need to be ready; others assert that citizens are watching as well as reading in an attempt to absorb and process the incident; yet others claim the media is deliberately making harmful as well as addictive representations nearly like those perceived in an action film. Whatever the cause, it is significant to understand the impacts on the society that this form of experience can have. Research usually discovers a connection between watching media reporting about terrorist hit sand trauma symptoms. This paper makes a conclusion that the reality that numerous Americans carelessly brush off this allegation exclusive of really comprehending it is one rationale this anger continues. To comprehend it one should go broader into the Muslim understanding. Muslims have a tendency to view contemporary proceedings by means of the lens of an ancient historical account. According to this story, heading back to the Middle periods Christian armies from the Western world have tirelessly hunted to break the clench of Islam on its populace. By holding quickly, Muslims consider, they were capable to thrive as a society, occasionally overriding the West in numerous aspects.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Gulf country orientation of Renewable energy Research Paper

Gulf country orientation of Renewable energy - Research Paper Example Given the potential for renewable energy in the GCC and the need for renewable energy due to large scale infrastructure development and reliance on energy, a number of renewable energy projects have been undertaken in the GCC states (Alnaser and Alnaser, 2011). This paper presents an overview of the renewable energy orientation in the Gulf countries. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) make up the six states in the GCC and are regarded as among the world’s ‘major oil and natural gas producing countries’ (Reiche, 2010: 2395). The GCC states are ranked among the world’s top 25 carbon dioxide emitters ‘per capita’ (Reiche, 2010: 2395). Due to infrastructure and economic development in the GCC, the demand for electricity has increased exponentially and the GCC states have been forced to consider renewable energy sources. With an abundant source of solar and wind energy, it is hardly surprising that the GCC countries have taken the initiative to plan for the implementation of renewable energy as a solution to the pending energy crisis brought on by high demands for electricity (Hertog and Luciani, 2009). There are three main advantages to GCC states in implementing renewable energy sources. The first advantage is a reduction in the cost of power plants together with reduced costs in the transmitting and distributing operations. Secondly, with reliance on renewable energy sources at home, the GCC states can increase their oil and natural gas exports which would normally be put to use locally and finally, GCC states would benefit from a reduction in carbon monoxide emissions from conventional power plants (Sharples and Radhi, 2013). The European Union (EU), as a driver of renewable energy elsewhere signed the EU-GCC Clean Energy Network agreement with the GCC in 2010. In signing the EU-GCC Lean Energy Network, the EU has undertaken to and taken action for the promotion and ‘transfer of expertise and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Demonstrated in sports Essay Example for Free

Demonstrated in sports Essay Sportsmanship can not only be seen and demonstrated in sports, but also in our daily lives in many ways. I believe that the values learned in sports are also applicable to everyday life. Interaction with my siblings is one example. We should not fight over small things like who shall have what or who shall lead who. Everyone should have a part and each of us should enjoy the activities we are doing. I won’t tease them and won’t lose my temper with them. I will put them before myself. In school, even if I am not the star, I should still enjoy and have fun with my classmates. I will not cheat during quizzes and exams just to be on top. I will just try my best in getting good grades. I will also acknowledge my classmates’ good performances, congratulate them for getting an A when tests are handed back to us. When my friends have goals, I won’t tell them that it’s impossible to reach. Instead, I will help them achieve their goals by supporting them. Although the high levels of competition and the pressures from family and school can put a strain on maintaining sportsmanship, it is still the more important characteristic. Winning is not everything. Sportsmanship is more important than winning. It is treating people with respect. It includes small gestures like shaking hands and acknowledging good works. A child like me who practices good sportsmanship is likely to carry the respect and appreciation of other people into every other aspect of life. Through this, I am also gaining new skills, new friends, and attitudes that can help all through life. Everyday many opportunities occur that one can put into practice sportsmanship.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Power of Dance Essay Example for Free

The Power of Dance Essay The video The Power of Dance was a film which explored various forms of dance around the world and how each one related to its respective culture. The video used a multitude of different styles of dance in different geographical locations to pinpoint how dance is a universal language, and the body is used to convey a variety of ideas and emotions. The primary theme behind the film was that dance is a global phenomenon. Dance crosses race, color, culture, social, economic, and class lines. Dance is found in a whole host of situations, including, but certainly not limited to, religion, theatre, social settings, and film. Dance is used to tell stories, express emotion, and as a form of religious ceremony, expressing praise, gratitude, sorrow, and offered as a gift. It is in this sense that dance is a form of communication without boundaries. Life itself is a form dance. Jacques DAmbrose, of the New York City Ballet theatre, likens the heartbeat to a dance. The heartbeat, he says in the first rhythm of dance, with its primary tempo a basic upbeat. It is this upbeat that sustains us all. Child dancer Ryan McCormick makes this point especially clear. As part of a New York childrens dance troupe, he applauds the merits of dance as being a tool to integrate children of different racial and economic backgrounds, by teaching teamwork and cooperation. Dancing is some of the childrens only way to express themselves and release daily stressors, a therapeutic part of dance, according to dancer and choreographer Gregg Burns. America is a melting pot, using dance from all over the world, including Russia, where the origins of ballet can be found. Russian dancer Bolshoi sees dance as an expression of aristocratic behavior, exuding effortless strength and grace. Ballet, in this light, is ? unearthly; (the) art of the air. Irek Makhamedov describes dance, ballet in particular, as an international language in which the physical and emotional are inseparable. Other cultures explored in the video include the dances of India, including one in which a single woman portrays both a man and a woman in a love story of both earthly and spiritual proportions; the dance itself being a metaphor for the love between man and God. Northern India has its own form of dance, Bhangra, a dance originated by farmers and performed by men. According to Vijay Neekay, this is a celebration dance. A final form of dance surveyed in the film was dancing in film and video. This form of dance is amazing in that it combines all forms of dance and movement through the magic of editing to create a single form of exciting and, sometimes, physically impossible dance. It draws together, and in a single moment, separates all different forms of dance in a beautiful art for life to imitate.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Procurement of Goods and Services Strategies

Procurement of Goods and Services Strategies Introduction Procurement is the acquisition of goods, works and services. The process covers a whole cycle from the identification of needs through the supply of the product and to the end of the service contact and even the end of the useful life of the asset procured. This chapter explains the background of this research work, the problem discussion and the overview of the structure adopted in this dissertation. Background The speed of technological advancement is so much now that no part of the global world can afford to be left behind especially now that the world has become a global village. Businesses all over the world are hence looking for strategies that will position them and make them have a competitive advantage whatever it takes. Such competitive advantage could be gotten from doing business at a low cost achieving lot of savings or having an effective work system. That is what a good procurement best practice strategy can deliver to any organisation. Many Organizations are now seen trying to focus on making their procurement strategies as efficient and cost effective as possible to ensure they have a competitive edge in their industries. According to source one management services, LLC, (2008) the advent of Best Practice Procurement Processes has suddenly seen a lot of companies realizing substantial cost reductions through: Having a proper understanding of the cost drivers used in determining total cost of ownership. Elimination of all non-value adding process thereby Increasing efficiency across the entire supply chain. Aggregation of demand, supplier rationalization, strategic sourcing, and enhanced supplier relationships resulting in improved cycle time. Electronically enabling the supply chain through the use of paperless e-Procurement tools and e-commerce portals. Reduction of carrying costs, warehousing, movement, obsolescence and shrinkage through the alternative inventory ownership agreements – retained consignment and vendor managed inventory. Problem discussion Different strategies are often used in achieving the best procurement processes in various industries. The need for developing countries especially Nigeria industries not to be left behind in utilizing these opportunity has necessitated this research work. For the purpose of this study, I will consider the extent to which procurement practices in Nigeria has adopted the three key strategies discussed in the work namely the lean supply, the e-procurement and the green supply strategies as it relates to environmental friendly policies adopted by various organisations in Nigeria. Kirk Zylstra (2007 p 10), argued that the main objective of all supply chain executives today is he to ensure that future business forecasts, ever changing customer demand, and other variations across the supply chain do not upset their carefully laid cost-reduction plans. Its however been discovered that the main obstacle to this vision is the ability to model budgets, accurately tie real costs to operations, and develop processes that execute these plans daily. This is where the application of lean principles to supply chain operations can help. According to Len Cooper, Senior Vice president of supply chain Halliburton, confirms that Halliburton is focusing mostly on Lean strategies with suppliers, and less so on Six Sigma because, as Cooper explains, Lean focuses on speed and throughput, which is easier for suppliers to apply and is in fact a goal for our suppliers. He went further to states that ‘’we would rather have our best suppliers grow with us, especially in these times, rather than go out and find more suppliers in order to gain access to additional capacity. We wanted to share our Creativity Over Capital ideas and experiences and benefits with them. In one of the report done by Andrea Ovans of Harvard Business report on E- procurement at Schlumberger Oilfield Services, (the worlds largest oil service company on is using the Web to revolutionize the way it buys equipment and supplies) on What they accomplished by moving to e-procurement?. The brain behind the strategy, Paris-based Alain-Michel Diamant Berger explains that ‘’We replaced a number of different systems some that were paper based, some that were automated with a single desktop system. Thats allowed us to streamline and speed up our entire purchasing operation. He further confirmed that buying supplies and equipment has often been very slow and complicated in the past, with lots and lots of papers and approval processes involved before executing a buy. However employees now act as their own purchasing agents, placing orders directly through their PCs and receiving the goods they need much more quickly. The advantage here is that the e procurement single system adopted by Schlumberger which help to consolidate purchases and gain greater volume discounts from our vendors. According to Derek Parker The ultimate aim is to achieve specific, measurable results that improve competitiveness across the supply chain by applying sustainable development practices.’’ Suppliers are often made to understand that sustainable practices improve the long term financial bottom line and in many cases the ‘greening’ of supply chain has a positive interaction with a move towards lean manufacturing, and sustainable processes which are ways of eliminating waste. From the aforementioned strategies adopted by Schlumberger, Halliburton and other organisations described as seen above, it is obvious that there is need to adopt a more aggressive strategy as that adopted by these organisations in order to remain competitive and relevant to their respective industry. The purpose of this research therefore is to evaluate the extent to which these all important strategies have been adopted by organisation in Nigeria, noting the implication and the key hindrance inhibiting these strategies. It is also critical to note that while Sustainable Procurement activities are common in many developed countries, the awareness and implementation is still relatively low in most developing countries. While I recognise the important role that procurement policies can play to support of sustainable development, this research is aims to contribute to the adoption of sustainable procurement strategy in developing countries especially Nigeria. Overview of the dissertation structure The whole dissertation is divided into six major chapters. This chapter which serves as the introduction gives the background and overview of the importance of the topic, the purpose of the research and finally the research questions then introduced. The second chapter provides the reader the opportunity to have an insight into the literature review on some the topics related to the research. This leads us to the third chapter giving the details of the methodology adopted in the carrying out the research. It explains the purpose, the approach and the strategy adopted for the research. It also shows the synopsis of how I arrived at the method I finally adopted for the research. Chapter four gives the highlight of the background of the companies used for this case study and all data gathered in the course of the research. These data were analysed in chapter five while a final conclusion and implications was drawn in chapter six based on the findings of the data analysis. 2.0 Literature Review With the global economic melt down across the nations, organisations are expected to seek a way out of this challenge, among others, looking for a way to reduce turn around time and cost through their procurement strategies. Competition therefore in today’s global market is not only between different companies but also between supply chains management systems. The evolvement in technological advancement and organizational improvements are important for effective supply chain management; however, the main cause of SCM improvements according to juril et al, (2006) is not the implementation of an information system itself, but rather a change and an integration of business processes. Over the years some changes have taken place in the development of innovative procurement strategies especially in sectors like manufacturing, retail, oil and Gas, construction and even service oriented industry. Jim Scotti, (2007) believes Procurement is now evolving into a far more strategic discipline, driven principally by a greater awareness of the financial implications of executing the function well. There are different procurement strategies adopted by organisations in the market place but using the best procurement practices would guaranty the desired success for any organisation. Based on different literatures written by authors the subject of procurement, some of the commonly adopted procurement best practices include: Creating an efficient system that would save time and money. Creating a pre-qualified and broad supplier base which enables all suppliers to be uniformly and objectively evaluated. Creating a comprehensive bid specification with full details before an invitation for bids is sent to the suppliers in the supplier pool.   Creating mutual acceptance of the process whereby every supplier in the pool knows that it can bid low on any supply.   Ensuring full transparency of bids through sending bid results to all suppliers that participated in the bid.   Monitoring every step of the workflow process to ensure clear communications, attention to every detail and a deliverable end product.   Ensuring that work is performed per specifications and on time.   Completing the project with accurate invoicing.   With the advent of Best Practice Procurement processes, a lot of companies have realized substantial cost reductions through understanding the cost drivers that determine the total cost of the supply chain and completely eliminating all non-value adding process in their supply chain line For the purpose of this report three strategies for achieving Procurement best practices will be considered and these include the adoption of the lean supply, e-procurement and adoption of the green supply strategies. While a lot of research has been done on the lean supply and e-procurement and their benefits if properly implemented, not much seems to be mentioned on the green supply principles and need to implement these strategies to achieve procurement best practices while considering the environmental friendly green supply chain management scheme in various organisations and how companies can benefit from this inevitable procurement procedure. Lean Supply Strategy Lean as described by Nigel (2006) is the process of achieving the flow of products and services to meet customers demand in the right quantity, right time, right place at the lowest price with no waste. The key principle focuses on maximizing customer value by producing goods and services with higher quality, fewer defects eliminating various forms of waste or any non-value adding activities through all possible continuous improvement processes. Womark (1996) described the five principles of lean, which includes: identify the value demanded by customer Identify the steps involved in the whole value stream Generate a flow in the value stream Produce only what is pulled by customer Strive for perfection through continuous improvement The adoption of these key principles in procurement activities in order to ensure that the organisation maximises the value of every good or service purchased explains the reason for lean supply or procurement as it applies to this research. R. Stratton (2003) believes Lean supply enables flow and the elimination of wasteful processes within the supply chain. Its focuses on continuous improvement strategies, through the elimination all non-value creating activities, reducing waste and effectively the cost of procurement. According to Lubben, (1998), lean supply aims at improving efficiency, quality and delivery performance of suppliers. It also focuses on removing all non value adding activities so as to reduce the cost of supply of material. For any procurement strategy to succeed the purchasing manager must be able to connect the strategy with the financial implication or performance. W.D. Presutti Jr. (2003) Benefit of adopting lean procurement Organizations within a lean supply chain are able to leverage their own lean journey more easily, delivering better customer value by responding more efficiently, quickly, and predictably to customer needs. That, in turn, facilitates the operation of the lean supply chain, creating a virtuous cycle that ultimately translates to superior financial performance for these organizations. In the article ‘Halliburton pushes Lean Six Sigma to its supply base’ (2009), the use of lean six sigma between 2004 and 2008, tripled their output from its manufacturing plants without any meaningful increase in the total capital footprint for those plants. The companys manufacturing cycle times were reduced, increasing their asset utilization out of all their equipment. According to Len Cooper, who is the Senior Vice president of supply chain management in Halliburton states that the lean process alleviated the need for more capital investment to support the type of output growth they experienced with the adoption of lean six sigma. Generally, the adoption of lean supply gives a lot of other benefits which includes achieving a minimal level of defects in supply, frequent deliveries.( Handfield, 1993) He further argued that because there are smaller number of suppliers, this could lead to developing a long term relationship between the buy and supplier which eventually leads reduced products price that would benefit the purchasing organisation. Strategies to adopt a lean supply system Inadequate management of the procurement process adds cost and adversely impacts customer service. In the current competitive environment such inefficiencies can no longer be tolerate. It is therefore necessary for organisations to focus more on their supply chain management system and adapt the concept of strategic lean supply chain management to their internal systems so as to eliminate all non value adding process. Sidney Hill Jr (2008) argued that the lean supply chain system cannot just happen. They emerge from strong working relationships between supply chain partners i.e the purchasing organisations, who are thoroughly committed to continuous improvement processes. Organisations especially the multinational expected to help their train their suppliers to fit into the required standard for supply. This could be organising training for their staff and help setting up some infrastructure that would encourage the lean practice. E-procurement Strategy E-procurement can be seen as a very valuable tool for organisations experiencing difficulties in their supply chain. If properly implemented, e-procurement can be used to connect a link between companies and their business processes with suppliers while managing all interactions between them. It encourages management of correspondence, bids, questions and answers, previous pricing, and multiple emails sent to multiple participants. Defined in different ways by many scholars. Presutti, ( 2002) describes electronic-procurement as the productive use of the internet to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the supply end of the supply chain. Davila et al. (2002) describes it as any technology designed to facilitate the acquisition of goods over the internet. Most literatures written on e- procurement addressed various issues in their definition. While some such as Brunnelli, (1999), Carabello, 2001 and others limits the definition to acquisition of goods over the internet, Scott and Westbrook (1998); New and Payne, (1995) believes that it should have a broad definition which includes the entire value chain, including materials and supply chain management from the extraction of raw materials to its end of useful life. In most recent times, there has been a change of focus from the strategic view of market to an internal re engineering discovered in supply chain management. This is obvious because e-procurement provides a set of built-in monitoring tools to help control costs, maximum supplier performance and deliver value to the purchasing organisation if adequately maximized. Benefit of e- procurement strategy The use of e-Procurement system help managers make decisions through access to catalogues of many suppliers keeping track of all means of bids while leveraging on knowledge to obtain better pricing. It provides organised, standardized and track able information with the elimination of the use of paper work. Kalakota and Robinson, (2000) explains that the main objective of any company’s e-procurement strategy is to better manage the firm’s operational costs. Basically, the strategy of e-procurement could be seen under two broad umbrella: the effectiveness and the efficiency of use- Davila et al, (2002) and Presutti (2002). Dai and Kauffman, (2000) however argues the benefit in e-procurement in terms of the high returns on investment (ROI) achieved through reduced operating and search cost. A view of benefit of e-procurement adopted by Davila et al, (2002) and Presutti (2002) explains the efficiency and effectiveness of using e-procurement. This includes: a better managed inventory level, cost effectiveness and savings achieved, improved efficiency of the procurement process, reduced maverick spending and better flow of information between buyers and supplier. According to Davila et al (2002), the main reason for the investment on the technology platform used for e-procurement is to achieve cost saving. He confirms that the adoption of e-procurement technologies reported a savings of 42 per cent in purchasing transaction costs. A summary of the various benefits associated with e-procurement as seen in many of the literatures includes but not limited to; Better value for money. Its helps to reduce inventory level and therefore serves as a cost saving measure for the organisation. The managers often know the product, the bid prices and the supplier to contact whenever the product is needed. Completely reduces transaction cost such as requisition, ordering administration and storage cost. E-procurement solution helps firms to interact with a wider supplier base and gives firms the opportunity to reach the unknown but qualified source of suppliers. It also provides the spirit of fair play. There is reduced duplication leading to a more efficient purchasing. It increases the ability to track strategic information and data on procurement including purchasing patterns. E-Procurement systems also allow multiple access levels and permissions help managers organize administrative users by roles, groups, or tasks. Procurement managers do not need to be as highly trained or paid because such systems are standardized and easy to learn. The system also links together the company’s procurement unit/department around the world and allows them share information about their best suppliers According to (Presutti, 2002) , the e-procurement system enables firms to more efficiently and accurately capture and aggregate budget spending in various purchasing product area, allowing the firms to bring what may be significant buying power leverage to market. The online real time of e-procurement technology no doubt provides buyers and sellers with the opportunity to share information in building specification of products which add value to resulting product and build strong relation. The larger the base of participating suppliers, considering the benefits to both sides, the greater will be the business value of e-procurement solution. (Presutti, 2002) In conclusion, every organisation’s goal is to achieve a good return on investment. According to OSD (2001), e-procurement enables the reduction in cost of goods procured and procurement processing time and cost have direct impact on return on investment (ROI). E-procurement risk management As seen from the numerous literatures on e-procurement, the research on the adoption of e-procurement has been made tremendous impact in many organisation, unfortunately not much as done on the risk management of e- procurement, especially within the industries considered in Nigeria. Douglas Hubbard ( 2009) describes ‘Risk management as the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risk followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events’. Risk management is the finding out the possibility of ‘a wrong’ happening, how it can be avoided, fixed or reduced to the barest minimum whenever it occurs Davila et al (2002), agrees that new e-procurement technologies has become an vital part of supply chain management activities and that the rate of adoption will accelerate as aggressive users share their experiences and perceptions of low risk. He went further to argue that the actual benefits and risks of e-procurement technologies and manger’s evolving perceptions about the benefits and risks will determine the speed at which the technology moves from its developmental infancy to the adoption and the maturity stages. E-procurement is no doubt growing in most industry and this is due to the competitiveness in most industry and the ever changing nature of the demands of the customers. Some of the risk identified in different literature includes: External business risk: This happen when there’s no effective communication between the organisation’s e procurement system and the customers and suppliers. External parties such as suppliers need to be able to develop internal systems that facilitate the communication through electronic means (an issue that demands technology investments as well as incentives) connected to the e- procurement system. To achieve a successful e-procurement technology, suppliers must have an electronic access via the Internet and should provide sufficient catalogue choices to satisfy the requirements of their customers-purchasers. Although most suppliers, especially in low margin industries, may be undecided or even unable to meet such demands without guarantees of future revenue streams. And also since some of the business models associated with e-procurement technologies (e.g. auctions, consortia, and exchanges) may be thinking of using suppliers with whom the buyer has not previously transacted business, companies need to develop mechanisms that provide the buyer with assurances that the supplier meets or exceeds recognizable and industry enforced standards relating to supplier quality, service, and delivery capabilities. Reputation risk: This type of risk occurs when there’s a breach of data that can damage an organisation’s reputation. Reputation risk occurs for example, when there is duplication in the information on the system which jeopardizes the reliability of the information Implementing e-procurement strategy requires not only having a successful purchasing process in place but also the ability to integrate all existing infrastructures. Okah et al (2007) Technology risk: As the growth of e-procurement advances, most organisation fears the lack of a widely accepted standard and a clear understanding of which e-procurement technologies best suit the needs of each company. This lack of generally acceptable standard serves as a hindrance to the use of commonly integrated software across all e-procurement activities. This suggest that an acceptable and open standard would be required to fully integrate all facilitates among the various organization using the e-procurement technologies. Without widely accepted standards for coding, technical, and process specifications, the adoption of e-procurement technology will be slow and will fail to the desired benefits. Process risk: Frew (2005, p 397) explains that process risk are risk associated with the security and control of the e-procurement process itself. There is need to provide evidence to non users that this technology will not breach control or security or any privacy issue. Organizations must be confident, for example, that unauthorized actions will not disrupt production or other supply chain activities when committing to e-procurement technologies Internal Business risk: According to Davila, et al, (2002) certain risk that are linked with the adoption of e-procurement need to be addressed before these technologies are widely accepted. Although, e-procurement in itself reduces the risk of human factor, maybe due to loss of certain document or misappropriation of data, but there is still a human interface which can also result to a form of risk or error. Okah (2008) describes it as human error risks. In conclusions risk are sometimes unavoidable but adequate measure should be in place to mitigate any kind of such risk whenever it arises and that is the purpose of risk management as it applies to procurement. Davila et al, (2002) also described some risk associated with the integration of technologies with existing information systems, with the business models that these technologies impose on supplier-customer relations and with the security and control mechanisms required to insure their appropriate use. Avery, (2002) however believes that e-procurement are essentially global, many of its limitations come from the geographic, cultural and organizational limitation of the underlying businesses in which they are adopted. Green Sustainable Procurement Strategy There has been increased awareness in our environment as its affects global warming, production of non recyclable packages and some toxic substances. A lot of Organisations have been seen applying the green principle to their organisation activities including the supply chain activities. A Green Sustainable Supply Chain can be defined as the process of using environmentally friendly inputs and transforming these inputs through change agents whose by-products can improve or be recycled within the existing environment. This process develops outputs that can be reclaimed and re-used at the end of their life-cycle thus, creating a sustainable supply chain.- Patrick P (2007) According to Seuring, (2004), Green supply chain management, could be referred to as environmental supply chain management or sustainable supply chain management. This includes green purchasing, green manufacturing/materials management, green distribution/marketing and reverse logistics (Sarkis, 2005) The environmental sustainability according to Madu, et al., (2002) has gradually become part of the overall corporation culture and, in turn, has helped to restructure the strategies of corporations With this increasing awareness in environmental sustainability, companies are beginning to streamline their operations and look for means of reducing their excess inventory, determine the optimal right-shoring plan, and reduce fuel expenses and logistics costs while reducing overall carbon emissions. Purchasers are therefore faced with enormous task of focusing on the design and packages of the products supplied by their suppliers The act of purchasing activities that include the reduction, reuse and recycling of materials is therefore paramount to organisation competitive existence in the marketplace- Carter, et al. (1998) Procurement officers are now trained to go for product with less non recyclable bye products or packages. Study has shown that the cost of most goods are in the packaging, thus if the packaging can be reduced, perhaps made to be recycled, the cost of the product will eventually be low. According to Faith-Ell, et al., (2006) the environmental performance of products and services can improve if purchaser express environmental preferences through the so called green procurement Walton, et al., (1998); Zhu and Cote, (2004) confirms that organisations that adopt the green supply chain management system may generate environmental and business performances. Following various legislation by different Government, consumers are beginning to have preference for product or services produced by environmental friendly organisations. Purba, (2002) also confirm that the practise of a green supply chain, can result in an improved environmental performance through the reduction in waste and emissions as well as better environmental commitment while improving competitiveness (better product quality, increase in efficiency, enhancing productivity and cutting cost), resulting to a better economic performance (new marketing opportunities and increasing product price, profit margin, market share and sale volume). This was supported by Derek Parker who confirms that the ultimate aim of green supply is to achieve specific,measurable results that improve competitiveness across the supply chain by applying sustainable development practices. It is therefore clear based on all the stipulations from the various authors like Walton, et al. (1998), Zhu and Cote (2004) and Purba (2002), as well as other procurement experts, that organizational performance is considered to include environmental and financial performance. The pressure is therefore on all organisations to improve their environmental performances which is a result of the world’s globalization rather than localization (Sarkis and Tamarkin, 2005). Benefits of green supply The benefits of Green supply goes beyond the reduction in waste and emission to the environment but it also benefits the organisation in terms of cost savings. Stevels, (2002) categorised the benefits of green supply into three folds: the financial implication, the company reputation and the societal perception. The financial implication: The green supply chain management practice helps in lowering cost prices for supplier and in turn results to a lower cost for their customers Lower cost of ownership for customer. Better competitive advantage Result to more customers In terms of reputation: Less rejects for supplier Better compliance for societal values. Confirms technological and environment awareness in terms of societal perception: Green supply chain management helps motivation of stakeholder for environment better image for supplier and producer feel good and quality of life for customer Make industry on the right track for society. Green supply chain management helps in lowering the environmental load for environment Duber-Smith, (2005), also highlighted ten reasons why organisations should adopt the green supply strategy: target marketing, sustainability of resources, lowered costs/increased efficiency, product differentiation and competitive advantage, competitive and supply chain pressures, adapting to regulation and reducing risk, brand reputation, return on investment, employee morale, and the ethical imperative. Supplier Evaluation/Selection The responsibilities of buyers or purchasing Managers has changes significantly especially in this competitive environment from purchasing products and service to meet customers needs. It has become necessary for purchasers to provide quality products, delivered just in time by working with adequate numbers of suppliers. Suppliers therefore play a key p

Woolfs Vision in A Room of Ones Own Essay -- Room of Ones Own Essay

Woolf's Vision in A Room of One's Own      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many years have lapsed sinee Virginia Woolf spoke at Newnham and Girton colleges on the subject of women and fiction.   Her remarkable words are preserved for future generations of women in A Room of One's Own.   This essay is the "first manifesto of the modern feminist movement" (Samuelson), and has been called "a notable preamble to a kind of feminine Declaration of Independence" (Muller 34).   Woolf writes that her modest goal for this ground-breaking essay is to "encourage the young women--they seem to get fearfully depressed" (qtd. in Gordon xiv). This treatise on the history of women's writings, reasons for the scarcity of great women artists, and suggestions for future literary creators and creations accomplishes far more than simple inspiration and motivation for young writers. Woolf questions the "effect . . . poverty [has] on fiction" and the "conditions . . . necessary for the creation of works of art" (25), and she persuasively argues that economics are as important as talent and inspiration in the creative process.   She emphatically states and, with brilliant fiction, supports her thesis that every woman "must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction" (4). Woolf's witty and beautifully crafted essay has a practical message for aspiring women writers: as pioneers in the virtually unexplored frontier of women's literature, and to create timeless, powerful works of art, they must forsake the established mores of masculine creativity and forge their own traditions and styles.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Woolf introduces this new literary tradition through the structure of her lecture.   Rather than follow the traditional format established through centuries of male lect... ...vel: A Forum on Fiction 23 (1990): 229-46. Delony 10 Muller, Herbert J. "Virginia Woolf and Feminine Fiction." Beja 73-84. Paul, Janis M. The Victorian Heritage of Virqinia Woolf: The External World in Her Novels. Norman: Pilgrim,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1987. Rosenman, Ellen Bayuk. The Invisible Presence: Virginia Woolf and the Mother-Daughter Relationship.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1986. Schwartz, Beth C. "Thinking back Through our Mothers: Virginia Woolf Reads Shakespeare." SLA 58 (1991):   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   721-46. Samuelson, Joan.   Lecture.   English 2323.  Ã‚   Kingwood College.   Kingwood, 13 April 1993. Simpson, Catharine R.   Introduction.   Benstock 1-6. Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One's Own. 1929. New York: Harvest-Harcourt, 1989. Zwerdling, Alex. Virginia Woolf and the Real World. Los Angeles: U of California P, 1986.      

Monday, August 19, 2019

Buying A Computer :: essays research papers

Needs This computer would be used for mainly writing papers, surfing the Internet, a little desktop publishing, and playing some 3d sports games. Software The software I would buy would have to include a word processor, and desktop publishing program. The standard programs for this are Microsoft’s. They are Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Publisher. Using a student discount, I can get them both for under $200. (See ) I also need to decide which operating system I want. The main choices are Windows ME/2000 or an Apple Macintosh OS. (OS 9.1/X) All the important productivity software is available on both operating systems, but Windows machines have a lot more games. I would probably use Windows ME instead of 2000 because it runs older software better. I can get Windows ME for about $80 using a student discount. Hardware Since I am using Windows ME, I cannot buy an Apple. Here are the parts I need to buy to build a machine that will run my software well. I need a motherboard, processor, video card, sound card, case, monitor, memory,hard drive, floppy drive, modem, and CD or DVD drive. Some of the choices I make will determine others. For example, the processor (aka the CPU) I pick will determine what motherboard I will get. To begin— Processor There are three processors that make up the market, The Intel Pentium 4, Intel Pentium !!!, and the Amd Athlon. The Pentium is the newest, and has only been out for a few months, the Pentium !!! and Amd Athlon have been available for about two years. There are two criteria here for me. One is how fast the chip is for a given price (bang for the buck) and the second is upgradability. That is, whether I would easily be able to take out the current CPU, and easily slip something faster in when needed in a few years. The Pentium 4 will be changing to a slightly different configuration in a few months, that will not be compatible with the current motherboards. The Pentium !!! is pretty much at the end of its life, and not many upgrades are planned. This leaves the Athlon, which is expected to be selling compatibe versions for at least another year or so. Current Athlons prices are AMD Athlonâ„ ¢ Processor for Desktop  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Price 1333MHz (266MHz Front-side Bus)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $253 1300MHz (200MHz Front-side Bus)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $230 1200MHz (266MHz Front-side Bus)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $219 1200MHz (200MHz Front-side Bus)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $199 1133MHz (266MHz Front-side Bus)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $197

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Positive Effects of the GI Bill :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

The Positive Effects of the GI Bill In 1944 the world was caught in one of the greatest wars of all time, World War II. The whole United States was mobilized to assist in the war effort. As history was being made overseas, as citizens learned to do without many amenities of life, and as families grieved over loved ones lost in the war, two students on BYU campus were beginning a history of their own. Chauncey and Bertha Riddle met in the summer of 1944 and seven months later were engaged to be married. Chauncey was eighteen and a half and Bertha nineteen as they knelt across the altar in the St. George temple five months after their engagement. Little did they know that in just the first years of marriage they would be involved with the effects of a significant historical event, the atomic bomb, as well as government legislation, the GI Bill, that would not only affect the course of their lives but also the course of the entire country. Chauncey and Bertha honeymooned in the Grand Canyon late in the summer of 1945. Upon returning to Cedar City, they learned the news that "the United States [had] developed this wonderful bomb and [they'd] dropped it and it hopefully [would] shorten the war greatly." The first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 7, and the second on Nagasaki on August 9. The official surrender came on August 11, 1945, officially ending the bloody campaign in Japan. The climate in the country was not one of alarm, in reaction to the bomb, but of tired relief. Bertha reflected this attitude. "Those people of our generation saw how many of their friends had died in bloody combat with the Japanese so they were grateful to see it ended." The atomic bomb seemed the long-awaited answer to concluding the war quickly. The bomb was not without its controversies and consequences, however. Before it was dropped, Leo Szilard, leading scientist in the development of the bomb, "opposed it with all [his] power" (Truman 68). His close contact with the destructive weapon caused him and others to argue against its use. It didn't take long after the end of the war for scholars to assess the atom bomb and its potential in future warfare. In the Yale Review, 1946, Bernard Brodie looked in depth at its future implications and influence on the security of all nations.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Benefits of Video Games

Whenever a new technology surfaces into the modern world, there will always be debates on the effects they bring to individuals and to the society in general. Though video games are hardly new, there have always been arguments whether the images they show have a huge harmful impact to people since video games are frequently associated with violence. So often people only see the negative side of what video games bring that we disregard the advantages they give.Children may be often pleaded by their parents to do anything rather than playing games. This may be because parents do not pay attention to the benefits we can acquire from video games. When playing video games, certain skills and abilities develop. Our body parts, specifically the hands and eyes, are required to work together for we perform various commands on the controller by our hands depending on what we see on the screen. Thus, it results to the enhancement of our hand-eye coordination.Video games require critical thinkin g. A gamer must not only memorize information but also analyze, conceptualize, and infer data gathered from the virtual environment. One key to complete a game is to study patterns and to use it into one’s advantage. This vital skill is utilized when creating strategies, tackling problems and making decisions. Most games involve quick reaction time and split-second decisions that can mean virtual life and death. Video games enhance people’s decision-making skills.Virtual reality is like a practice field for gamers to improve their cognitive ability, for them to be ready in the real world. With this, people are more likely to decide correctly, quickly, and accordingly depending on the situation. Gamers are often stereotyped as people sitting in front of a screen for long hours and are uninterested in social interactions. But video games often encourage players to interact with other players from around the world, with the help of the internet, and work together to accom plish tasks.This can help build social relationships and enhance people’s socialization skills. Some games’ objective is to become victorious above others. It gives a sense of competition and eagerness to win a battle. When one loses, his willingness to win intensifies the next time around. Video games stimulate people to do better and achieve the best. Video games are games. They are created with the intention to give pleasure and enjoyment to whomever they may serve. They accompany us when we are lonely and depressed. They help us pass time when we have nothing to do.They give us a taste of admirable graphics design and creativity. They offer some benefits like those of what outdoor activities give. Nothing is wrong with playing video games. But excessive hours of playing will bring anyone no good. It is necessary to keep things in moderation. The next time your parents tell you that video games will only make you violent, inform them thoroughly what good things you can acquire from playing. You can even invite them to play with you. Who knows? It could be the solution for their stress and depression.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Computerized Teachers Evaluation System

With the long history of Chinese civilization and education, formal teacher practice is quite new because for century’s teachers’ authority and power over their students cannot be challenged. Historically, learning was the major concern of education, but during the past decades, teaching quality has become an added concern of education. There are three reasons for evaluating teachers: to diagnose and help teacher improve teaching, to help students get better teaching quality and to provide a criteria for research on teaching itself. Efforts have been made by government and educators to improve teaching quality in theory and practice. Verities of book have introduced foreign evaluation theories and many articles have contributed to the theoretical and practical improvement of Chinese teacher evaluation system. However, there is no systematic record of the development of teacher evaluation process. Therefore, exploration into the development of teacher evaluation, its reform and problem become necessary and significant. In common, teachers are evaluated by students and administrators synthetically. The students’ evaluations are used as formation to help teachers improve their classroom training and activities, in–service students complete these evaluations at the end of their program, while pre-service students complete these evaluations each semester. With both single-choice and open-end questions, these evaluations are similar to all colleges. These evaluations by students are analyzed, and teachers are given a copy of the analysis, if several students make similar complaints about a teacher or about the way of course in taught, the teacher in question gets immediate feedback from his or her supervisor. The administrative evaluations are completed by the supervisor who is the training manager. These evaluations are done every semester. Statement of the Problem This study of the proposed â€Å"Computerized Teachers Evaluation System† (CTES) covers method, procedures and problems which correlate to the teacher’s evaluation. The main problem of this study is how to design, develop and implement a Computerized Teachers Evaluation System. The current system is not efficient to ensure its validity because these CTES are done manually. Specifically this study aims to answer the following common problems encountered during and after the evaluation: 1. Is there a need for computerized teachers evaluation system? 2. What are the common problems encountered during and after the evaluation? 3. What are the users expectation regarding computerized teachers evaluation? 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using computerized teachers evaluation system?

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Law of Conservation of Mass

To identify the parts of a chemical equation. Students need to identify subscribe pets, coefficients, reactants, products, chemical formulas, and chemical symbols 2. To appreciate that scientific discoveries are often the result of inquiry. 3. To distinguish between an element, a compound, and a mixture (and between heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures) 4. To balance a chemical equation in order to prove that the Law of Conservation n of Mass works quantitatively as well as conceptually 5.To respect that chemicals can be both helpful and harmful safety must be a p rarity and the intention of scientists can play a large role in determining if chemicals do ended hurt or help humanity 6. To prove experimentally the Law of Conservation of Mass that matter is not car dated or destroyed in a chemical reaction Standards NJ CORE CURRICULUM (SCIENCE) STANDARD 5. 2 (science and society) All stud .NET will develop an understanding of how people of various cultures have control etude to the ad vancement of science and technology', and how major discoveries and even TTS have advanced science and technology.You can either print o t the story or tell the story in your own words. This lesson corresponds with slides 14 on the pop written presentation. Slide 4 contains a short video (approximately 5 minutes) in which h the work of Lavisher is discussed. Be sure to mention the connection between his scientist fix work and the necessity of the work for Paris at this time in history. Why did he begin this pr Eject? And similar questions can be used to place this work in its proper historical context. B. Introduce the law of conservation of mass experiment.Be sure to emphasis zee the purpose of the experiment, mainly, to serve as a comparison to the work of Lavisher. C. Students should perform the activity. You may want to have students perform ram part A in day 1 ND save part B for day 2 unless you have a nice block of time. D. Following the conclusion of parts A and B, as well as the conclusion queue's ins, discuss the conclusion questions. Specifically, spend time on number 7 and 8. Number 7 asks students to draw connections between Lavaliere's work and what they have done.Number r 8 asks students to brainstorm ideas for other law of conservation of mass experiments. This is is unification because students will be choosing one of these ideas and designing an experiment lat err on. Lesson 2 Instructions for Teachers: Tell the story of Lavaliere's work with combustion. Make the connection bet en science and mathematics. Precise measurements were not common until Lavisher m dad them so. Observations, estimations, and generalizations were commonly found in ice once investigations.If you are planning on handing out the story rather than tell it be sure to explain what is meant by call. Powering slides 57 pertain to the connection between the law of conservation of mass and math, namely balancing equations. Slide 7 is a short video (approximately 5 minutes) in w hich balancing is explained as well as a short e explanation on naming compounds. Math teachers can teach balancing equations. This ca n be done in edition to the time that we spend balancing equations in science or the mat h teacher may take full responsibility for the balancing of equations. To further explain call a demonstration may be valuable. You can burn magma enemies and allow students to make observations, qualitatively and quantitatively. 2. First, introduce coefficients and subscripts and explain how they can help to s how us how the law of conservation of mass is present in every chemical reaction. Balance a simple equation, the formation of water is a good one to start with since most studs ants are familiar with the chemical formula for water.After 1 or more examples have students attempt to balance equations based on level of comfort with balancing. Have an answer key posted in the room so that students can see that they have correctly balanced the aqua actions. Ther e are many websites dedicated to balancing equations. I usually have my more am obvious students Google search a good site and write it on the whiteboard so that pee people who need extra practice or more of a challenge know where to go. 3. The selfsameness rubric can be completed by students at the end of this less son or at the end of this minutia. Suggest completing it at the end of the unit since you m y introduce more equations within the context of the lessons thus allowing students audit IANAL opportunities to improve their understanding. Lesson 3 Instructions for Teachers Begin this lesson by telling the story of Lavaliere's role in discovering oxygen. Be sure to mention the role played by Joseph Priestley. This is a good opportunity to disc us how technology, or the lack of technology played a role in the dispute regarding car edit for the discovery.Language barriers, difficulty in traveling far distances, and slow communication definitely played a role. Slides 810 should a ccompany this less son. Slide 10 contains a short video narrated by Bill Nee in which he discusses, with a m ember of the Chemical Heritage Foundation, the story of the work of Lavisher and his role discovering oxygen. Joseph Priestley role in this discovery is also mentioned. Have students refer back to our first law of conservation of mass experiment, specifically conclusion question number 8.Students will now decide on a scientific quests on that relates to the law of conservation of mass and design a controlled experiment in which they attempt to explain data and confirm or refute a hypothesis on the basis of this data. I live that students should be encouraged to choose a question that allows for a lengthy study, requiring multiple measurements. This will reinforce the concepts pert air-ling to the law of conservation of mass and allow you, the teacher, to draw connections between the law and your other chemistry topics. The final activity is a reflection pertaining to a scienc e demonstration.The bur inning of paper ties in nicely with many aspects of Lavaliere's work. See the attachment and ask students to discuss, in words, the similarities, or differences that they notice. This can be completed in class or it can be a homework assignment. A homework assign meet may be more appropriate if you feel that students need time to review the story of the e law of conservation of mass that you have told. Towards this end it is also useful to post your notes of the story on your aboard or whatever form of communication you ha eve with students.While I have dedicated the story of Lavatories work to some of his experiment s there is another story that can be told. Lavisher, who founded a business whose prim responsibility was collection of taxes, was beheaded during the French Revolt Zion. This sad story can be told in science of course, or it can take place in humanities (h story) or in language arts (English). The stow of Lavisher can tie in to the American and F ranch Revolutions for history class. In English class it can be told within the scope of excerpts or entire books that tell stories relating to revolutions.An example might be while e reading Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities. The language arts connections offers the teacher an opportunity to focus on the irony that with the beheading of Lavisher the Free inch people removed a person who had arguably helped them a great deal and who wool d most likely have made many more significant contributions to the life of Parisian. Background Information A: the Antoine Lavisher lived and worked in the 18 century, during the time of the French revolution (Grey, 1982).Lavisher is often referred to as the father of modern chemistry (Discovery Education, 2005). Lavaliere's first experiment to lead him toward the e discovery of the law of conservation of mass was part of an experiment to study the CLC manliness of the drinking water in Paris (Culled, 2005). Lavisher boiled drinking water. Acc ording to Culled (2005) the first part of this experiment involved cleaning a glass flask, drying it, and then carefully weighing it. Next, a precisely assured sample of water was poured into the flask and for 101 straight day s heated.The water was heated so that it just reached the point of boiling. Eventually, solid sediment formed on the glass walls of the flask. Culled adds that after weighing the flash k Lavisher concluded that the weight of the flask, the water, and the solid sediment was exactly the same as the mass of the flask and the water with which he started this experiment. If anally, Lavisher removed the water and found that the mass of the water had not chi engaged. However, the mass of the flask and the solid sediment was equal to the mass of the origin anal clean flask.At this point in the experiment Culled (2005) tells us that Lavisher concluded t hat due to the longer exposure to high temperatures the flask some part of the flask muss t have turned into a new su bstance, although mass had not been lost. It is worth noting that in his time, many, if not all scientists believed that the e earth was comprised of the four elements of earth, fire, air, and water (Culled, 2005). Du ring the aforementioned experiment Lavisher wondered if water could be converted t o earth, which at the time, Culled states, included any solid substance.Because the mass oft he water in the experiment did not change Lavisher concluded that the answer was that no, water was not converted into earth. A less perceptive scientist would have concluded others sis due to the presence of the particulate. It was his attention to the mass and to exactness in measurement that allow De him to conclude that contrary to what others were espousing, the water did not Chain GE. Grey (1982) adds that the mass of the particulate was exactly equal to the mass that was missing when Lavisher measured the weight of the dried flask at the end of the 101 days.L bolster included that part of the glass flask had undergone a change due to constant t exposure to high temperatures. Grey adds that this experiment was also significant because SE it lead Lavisher to conclude that â€Å"just looking at an experiment wasn't enough to fin d out what was really going on† (p. 40). This experiment, notes Culled (2005) was significant n tot only because it lead Lavisher toward the law of conservation of mass but also beck cause lead Lavisher to the realization that precise measurements are critical in experiment notation, something that most scientists did not deem a necessity at the time.Many of Lavaliere's experiments, including the water experiment, involved co marring the weight of reactants to the weight of products. In other words, comparing the mass Of the substances he was experimenting with before a reaction to what he had after a reaction. Due to his emphasis on precise measurements Lavisher was able to show that the difference in weight between reactants and product s was always small (Culled, 2005).Whew n he initially started these experiments Lavisher was not certain if these tiny differences in mass were due to his inability to make more exact measurements or if matter was indeed bee g created or destroyed, a view that many scientists of the time thought was possible (Grey, 1982). Read about the science of alchemy if you are interested in how and why scientists o f the time believed that this was possible. It's worth noting that Lavisher was eventually able to conclude that matter is not able to be created or destroyed in part because he asked the question, a simple queue's n actually, concerning the missing mass.Grey, (1982) notes that â€Å"He believed there were lots of questions about the world all around him that needed answers. He wanted to look for things no one else had ever found† (p. 26). As we learn more regarding the stories be hind science discoveries, large and simple, we will notice that almost every one involves in acq uisitiveness on the part of the scientist followed by an experimental procedure designed t o answer the question, but it all starts with the question. Background Information B: Lavaliere's next area of interest was combustion.By the time Lavisher turned to the question of combustion he was well known for his emphasis on precise mess ornaments (Culled, 2005). This was helpful in experiments in which he was attempting to determine if mass had indeed been created, destroyed, or remained the same. Lavaliere's combustion experiments consisted of burning metals and compared weights of the metal s before and after heating (Mechanical, 2004). When Lavisher burned sulfur, tin, lead, and phosphorus he found that the m ass of the metal actually increased.However, he also found that when burned in a closed flask the mass of the air inside the flask decreased by the exact amount that the metal increased (G ere, 1982). When Lavisher heated the scales, metal bonded with air due to combustion) he f ound that air was given off as the mass of the metal decreased while the mass of the air in t e container increased by the same amount. Mathematics, which provides quantitative data, allowed Lavisher and later, tot her scientists, to prove that matter was not created or destroyed (Tab, 2004). The word co inspiration means that nothing has been lost.After Lavisher, scientists began to conclude e that in an isolated system (for example, a closed flask) mass is a constant (Johnson, 200 8). We know that a constant does not change. If we are able to find the mass of the â€Å"system m† before anything reacts we can compare it to the mass Of the System after the reaction and the difference should be zero, according to Lavisher. Johnson (2008) notes that Lavisher was the first to conclude that the total ma as of a system must be equal to the mass obtained in the beginning of the experiment, regard idles of changes in states of matter.Johnson adds that in France, the law of conservat ion of m ass is still known as Lavaliere's law. We will attempt to prove experiment with chemical r actions in an open system as well as a closed system and yes, we will use mathematics to a assist us in doing so! As scientists learned more about elements and compounds (again, thanks to Lavisher) they ere able to further explain, in more detail, what is indeed happening in chew magical reactions in terms of elements and compounds being rearranged. Today we know that this accounting is done through balanced equations.Balancing chemical equations is a techno queue employed by scientists in which simple, and sometimes complicated, mathematics IS use d to demonstrate the specific ratios of the substances involved in a chemical aqua Zion. We will also partake in the balancing Of equations and I think that you will find it inter sting to see that what Lavisher, the pioneer, first hypothesized over 200 years ago, because e he dared to ask a question, is now being analyzed and proven in our middle school science e class.Background Information C: Lavisher is credited with discovering the element oxygen. He arrived at the co inclusion that oxygen must exist as a result of his interest in combustion. Prior to Lavisher, scientists such as Joseph Priestly who was based in London, had found that when something burned, like metal, the weight of the metal call would be greater than the mass of the origin IANAL substance (Mechanical, 2004). This Priestley explained, was due to the presence of a most absence that was thought to be found in any substance that burns, called p Hollister (Grey, 1982).Scientists reasoned that the added mass (to the call') after something b runner was attributed to phlogiston. Grey notes that at this time scientists were aware that t the mass of the original piece of metal also decreased, which lead them to the conclusion, alb tit falsely, that phlogiston was transferred when something burns. While most scientists were satisfied with the explanation, others such as Olivia sire found a problem. When metals were burned the mass of the burned metal (called call ) actually increased (Mechanical, 2004).